Food Processing Residuals (FPR) Update
On Jan. 15, Dickinson Township entered a township resolution urging state parties to adopt stricter regulations regarding FPRs.
In the third week of January, and since our last regional meeting, a letter from Sens. Rothman, Mastriano and Dush, and me and Rep. Ecker went out to Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Secretary Shirley urging DEP to take immediate action to update the regulations and guidelines to include FPRs.
On Jan. 31, the State FPR Workgroup had its third meeting with over 40 people in attendance, and counsel from both the state and Penn State in attendance. The discussion mostly focused on the definition of FPRs and making a distinction between harmful and unharmful categories (We discussed the Waste Management Act, Chapter 8 - animal versus nonanimal); as well as evaluating the FPR manual’s efficacy in limiting odor, soil and water contamination; and other risks to public health. Much discussion surrounded what statutory or regulatory action needed to happen and in what order. Any changes made need to NOT contradict the Right to Farm Act and ACRE.
I met with the PA Farm Bureau (PFB) on Mon., Feb. 12, and discussed FPRs as well as other related ag policy. PFB was favorable to updating the FPR manual soon.
The next meeting will be a much smaller working group between haulers, attorneys, DEP and the Department of Agriculture, as well as House representatives. The next full workgroup meeting will be held on Feb. 29.
Bottom line, we are making great progress from a state movement perspective. We have a deadline of May 2024 to start implementing action items.
Source: The Barb Wire